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If I download this will it replace my earlier demo?

No, it's an entirely new folder.

Alrighty thank you, is the old one still downloadable?

It's not, but the content from it will be remastered and added into the base game within a few updates.


Both the early quest to kill slimes and the quest to kill bandits for the hiding Lepin are bugged for me, speaking to their respective NPCs just gives the 'come back when you've finished' dialogue no matter how many I do

How to get out of the village?

Bottom left part of the village, walk into the south "wall" - exits from areas aren't marked, you'll want to walk into the edges of areas to find them.

Okay, thank you very much.

I dont want to sound negative or anything about this game but when i start the game the screen goes black. I go into Pub and do the drinks game but then it is still black outside. Can't see anything. I also tried playing it on Joiplay as well and same problem happened😭

I really wanna play but it won't work for me please help😭

I once had a problem with this game engine having a big black bar blocking most of the screen after I load into the game. I fixed that by going into my graphics control panel then switching between integrated and GPU for the application "game.exe"


where's the goblin camp? i cant find it


Found a funny little bug.  When switching to equipment with lower capacity, the size goes down.  It increases when I switch back, but it's still less.


Hello, found another bug... Inflated>Drank Blueberry Juice>Got Juiced> completely deflated.


That's intentional! They remove the status and the juice inside you.

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I'm having an issue with empty flasks. No matter how many I have in my inventory and no matter how many I ask it to fill at a water source (trying at the fountain in front of town hall in the starting area), I am told I don't have enough empty flasks.

Edit: Tried it in the goblin village too, same result.


It’ll be fixed in the next patch later tonight!

Tell me how can I force feed a guard blueberries in the mission to free Rachna?

You press "Q" to bring up the items menu on what you want to equip on you, then press enter. Walk up to the guard and make sure you're facing them, then press "C". Pick up the key then do the same thing with the key. Be careful though, because for some odd reason your character just gets locked in place after freeing her.


For some odd reason, it just black-screens and keeps saying "Profile Error Occured", and I'm not quite sure why that is

I believe that is due to you having a version of Java that RPG Maker MV doesn't support. 

and how would i do that


Please add a fox girl as a playable character 🙏


A kitsune?


I plan on adding kitsune characters as a special gamemode sometime in the future!



No outie option yet?  :')

My dear beloved creator, it says it is out but i still only see the older version. Is it a just a problem on my end? 

Sorry! I took it down for about 20 minutes since it was so glitchy and needed some emergency fixes! It's back up now :)

It is A - to the - OK lol. Thanks☺️


My lovely creator is everything alright? I do apologize for the constant nagging. When it is ready it will be ready. Take your time and have good day/night ( forgot the timezone you are lol)☺️


For everyone, the game run into some issues bc of the website so there is bug fixing going on. It should be out today or during the weekend at the latest. Lets pray for Ver!

Hello everyone, the question is how can I play the beta because on my page I can only see the alpha version?


I think it's not out yet. Some delays, probably. Looking forward to it, though.

Did it come out?


Nope, but I did get kicked from the discord server.


For being an asshole about the delay

Yeah, I did want to apologize to Ver about it. Oh well, I guess here is the closest I can get.


So we should just wait patiently☺️

It will come when it comes

So what should I do when the game launches?


Get popped by me☺️

ehehe, that a threat or a promise? :p


Feew Feew Feeew😈

Deleted 157 days ago it just sounds like you're asking to get pumped~

As if such lowly peasant can pop this Goddess😝


Can't wait to pop or be popped when the update drops~.


Can we have an innie to outie feature >:)


Not a bad idea! I may implement it at some point as an optional toggle.


Please do! I'd buy the game instantly

So 26 is when it will be updated?



I will inflate you😈

Will there be another update love the game so far can't wait for more

Soon-ish, there's NPCs and art to still be made for the next update

retextured ???



If you're referring to it looking different from previews posted on other websites this is because this is a much older version of the game, before textures were redone/improved for the upcoming release :P

u can also add some extra functions and set max size to 10


The most promising and interesting game that ive seen

When was the alpha supposed to release again exactly?,sometime in april,right?

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Looking forward to this when its more complete, very glad that you plan to allow for playing as a girl!

can i beat cyclops? or it is unbeatable boss?

It's unbeatable, that's the end of the demo :P

thanks to reply. then i'll wait the update.

Looks good

Is there a Android version?

You can play the game on emulators like Joiplay!

please make a browser versio

Is it compatible with android?

Is not but you could use Joiplay to play rpg maker games on mobile


Is just  an android emulator app, for rpg maker games


love the beta cant wait for the full release. the 0.2 is just a little to fast with the moving speed but the new enemy is great and the sounds are really nice. very good work. 


So, what's changed in version 0.2? Just want to know if there's anything extra since I played the first demo.

I added the patch notes to the bottom of the page description!


Is there gonna be popping and a mobile port


Popping is a core mechanic of the game, and as for a mobile port I think you can run emulators on android devices to play it! As for an official port, unfortunately not.


Help I can't start the game up, it's a zip file and when I click it it just opens up the game files, please help

Does it look like this? If so you should click on the icon with the name of the game next to it. Afterward, it should give you the option to "extract", do that and it will give you a new folder. But this one should let you play the game.

Alternatively, if that doesn't work click on the zip file and select "Extract all" in the options. 

It looks nothing like that, it's a folder icon called swelladia version 0.1, and opening it results in nothing like your photo it looks like this, I had to crop the photo cause it was 6 MB big

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I don't understand how everyone else is even playing this, do I need a rpg maker or something?

I'm so confused 

Okay. You don't need RPG maker. What you do is you doubel-click/right click on that icon that says "game" next to it. 

Then your computer should give you an option to extract it. Say yes.

Afterwards you should have a similar folder, except your the icon will change to a picture.

Thank you so much it finally works

In addition to burping to get air out, could you add farting as another way to get air out?


This isn't something I'm into unfortunately, my apologies.


fun little demo, definitely has potential. Looking forward to more popping fun~.




I love what you have so far and I'm excited to watch you develop this game! I really enjoy how you implemented the inflation of the main character. You implement popping really well.  


A very well put together and engaging demo :)
I can't wait to see more~

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