Patch 1.0.6 Notes

Note: 1.1.0 WIP #1 should go live shortly on Patreon. Keep your eyes out for that as well! It'll be based off of 1.0.6, and features: Player Housing & furniture crafting/purchasing, enchanting gear, major stat rebalancing & stat changes,  new equipment, and class reworks for Gunslinger & Sentinel!

Note: Sorry about inaccurate reports of additions & bug fixes in the past few patch notes. I'll do a better job at screening the patch notes before I upload versions in the future! This was caused by me cutting content for some patches after writing the notes on a few occasions.


  • All NPCs are now inflatable (except for guards).
    • Includes quest-givers, story NPCs, merchants, etc.
    • Approximately 22 NPCs included in this list.
    • Note 2: Some NPCs have been given default villager outfits for the time being. These will be diversified in 1.1.0, as I was unable to finish them before I had to start working on a mac laptop temporarily which makes spriting much more tedious.
  • Vespers now actually implemented (FR this time!!).
  • Added reset option for previously broken quests (if not completed).
    • Note: this was done to make older saves compatible with newer versions of the game. It will be removed in a few updates, but I wanted people to be able to complete these quests if they already accepted them before they were fixed.
    • Note: The quest log does not reset. The plugin system I use for it does not allow this for whatever reason.
  • Class resource gauges now appear in 'Status' menu, and on item use pop-up.
  • Added "Doomed" status to glossary.
  • Added toggle "Obvious Monsters" to give a glow to stealthy creatures.
    • Note: Currently disabled for aquascella, will be fixed next patch! 


  • Updated opening menu format.
  • Sorcerer Hall puzzle is now more clear (Now mentions the existence of a route inside when examining the locked door).
  • Added a hint to the description of the quest "Bandit Blowout" on where to generally find the clues.
  • Changed some enemy spawn locations.

Bug Fixes

  • Feisty goblin twins no longer infinitely reset & are no longer farmable for scraps.
  • Goblin Chieftess cutscene in R.Q. "Chieftess Communion" no longer softlocks if you pop the champion in combat.
    • Note: I thought I fixed this previously, but it appears I did not. Sorry!
  • Fixed female Lemusin player model having glitched eye sprites at max level of inflation.
  • Added battlebacks to missing locations in the abandoned manor.
  • Ariana using 'Burp' no longer deflates the player instead of her.
  • Pixie 'A' no longer spam repeats dialogue.
    • Note: I thought I fixed this previously, but it appears I did not. Sorry! x2
  • 'Sparring Partners' S.Q. quest log no longer misgenders target NPC, and is properly marked as completed upon completion.
  • POV Combat belly now properly disappears if current size goes below 10%.
  • Fixed rope item spawning duplicate locket item from quest "Lost Her Locket!"
  • Flowers in S.Q. "So Happy I Could Blow!" are no longer infinitely acquireable.
  • Fixed issues with CS outside of the Lepin Sage's home in R.Q. "Scouting Ahead".
  • Fixed NPCs with branching fight outcomes repeating branch dialogue every turn.
  • Removed apparitions of some NPCs after they pop/disappear.
  • Berries can now be properly fed to followers.

Known Issues

  • If player explodes during some quests cutscenes, the scene will continue.
  • Enemies show as fully inflated for a brief moment at combat start.
  • Statuses not shown in combat UI or overworld UI (only in status menu).
  • Menu pops up when changing to floating size while wearing mask for brief second.
  • Goblin Mask off centered when blueberry status is applied.
  • Enemies can interrupt cutscenes in some maps.
  • Graphical glitch on quest bubble for R.Q. #10.
  • Statuses in UI not showing turn duration.
  • Some abilities missing SFX.
  • Extreme load times between areas for some players.
  • Swapping classes does not save EXP (only level).
  • Stuns do not affect followers.
  • Player Resource gauge clips over HUD in overworld.
  • Using berries on party members affects the player.
  • Some resources respawn without a map reset.
  • Hitting cancel on some quest options softlocks quest progression.
  • Equipping gear to an ally that grants class RSC gives it to the player regardless.
  • Juicery CS disabled by default.
  • Ariana popping animation in overworld glitched (rotates player & skips animation in overworld).
  • Korin's scraps are miscolored in popping animation.
  • "Oblivious Monsters" toggle does not affect aquascella.
  • Fang inflation not shown when she is party member.
  • Some quest-givers have phantom copies appear before quest is acceptable.

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